Evidence for FIAs

Downside protection from market downturns

During a time of economic volatility, fixed index annuities appeal to many consumers because they can’t lose their premium or interest credited due to a market downturn. Adding a FIA to their financial plan can help create stability in their portfolio.

Potential for growth

(that your clients can’t lose once credited)

With multiple interest crediting strategies to choose from, your client can allocate their premium to fit their needs. Through the benefit of annual or term reset, any annually credited interest is “locked in” and cannot be lost due to market downturns. It’s important to know fixed index annuities are not a direct investment in the stock market.


Balance to your existing product offerings

Fixed index annuities can help create a foundation of conservative growth, and are a valuable piece of a financial strategy. With both downside protection and growth potential, they can be a natural fit alongside the services you already offer. It’s likely your clients have already heard about fixed index annuities from someone else. We’d encourage you to have the FIA conversation with them today.

Flexibility helps protect against the unexpected

Fixed index annuities generally come equipped with liquidity features that give your clients access to some of their retirement savings. Examples include (but are not limited to) annual penalty-free withdrawal allowances or a waiver of surrender charges in the case of nursing home confinement. This means a portion of your client’s money has liquidity in the case of unforeseen circumstances.

Income clients can't outlive

Do you have clients worried about outliving their assets? Fixed index annuities are one of the few products that can guarantee a stream of income payments for as long as the client lives. Whether they opt for an income rider or annuitize, your client can be more at ease knowing they can't outlive the income provided by the FIA.* 


* Assumes no additional withdrawals
